diumenge, 13 de juny del 2021


 Writing a postcard

Hi Kim!

We're in New York! We arrived two days ago and it's been great. I can't believer the days have passed so quickly. We've done lots of different activities that made me feel happy. I've visited the Statue of Liberty, seen the Empire States and visited Central Park.

The first day we went to Central Park and there was a lot of people, we asked to a security man what's happened on and he told us they had a party. We wanted to attend, so we asked for permission we were allowed to. We had a great time.

I haven't done much shopping because we've done much activities, but I promise I'll buy you a souvenir before I come home.

See you in a week!


dimarts, 27 d’abril del 2021



In my review, I'm going to compare three sports: Dance, Gymnastics and Volleyball. They are all very funny and you learn a lot. Dance is the most complicated because you have to do some shapes. Gymnastics haves got some bad things: you have to follow the rhythm,... But it's funny. Volleyball is a great sport, you learn how to play with a team, but often you get hurt.

In my opinion, Volleyball is a really good sport because you make friends,... However, you have to go every weekend to play matches. In Gymnastics you have some scheduled days to do competitions. Personally, I think Dance is the worts sport, because the shapes and the names are quite complicated.

In conclusion, I think Volleyball is the best sport, and I'm giving it five stars. Gymnastics I think it's funnier than Dance, so I'm giving it three stars and I'm giving it two stars to Dance.

dilluns, 15 de març del 2021


 A letter of invitation

Dear Mrs Júlia,
I am writing to invite you to my grandparents' wedding anniversary. The event is the 2nd of April.

The party starts at 12.00pm at Can Pere restaurant, in Lleida.
At the event is going to sing the favourite music band of my grandparents, there is going to be a disco ball with colour lights, too. We are going to buy some small presents for us and some new clothes.

We thing you will enjoy this event, because one day you told me that you are excited for the colour light, and in this party there is going to be some.
Because of this, if you want to come, please send me an email to this address: annasparty@wedding.com

I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Anna Olives

dijous, 11 de febrer del 2021


 An environmental problem

There is an environmental problem, the water pollution.
The causes of this problem are: people put rubbish into rivers and also people put toxic products down the sink.
If we don't do something about this problem, people will get ill or die from disease, too.

One way to help reduce the problem is to use always rubbish bins. This way helps to save this problem because all the rubbish goes to the right place, but not into the water.

There is another way to help reduce this problem as well. Unless we use eco-friendly cleaning products at home, all the toxic products will go down the sink. This way helps reduce this problem because we won't use toxic products.

diumenge, 24 de gener del 2021


 My new year's resolutions

  • I will be more sociable.
  • I will read more.
  • will paint a picture.
  • I will play the piano more.
  • I will do more exercise.
  • I will cook more.
  • I will learn to draw better.
  • I will be more organized.